Dr. Jack L. Arnold Lesson 14 PLANS FOR LEADERSHIP?KNOWING WHAT ONE IS DOING I. Planning for the Future A. Why Plan? Planning saves time. Time is a priceless commodity. Time equals money and energy. B. Benefits of Planning. Planning helps define your values, gives hopes and dreams a reality and gives parameters for evaluation of your plans. C. Planning Is a Cyclical Process 1. Goals. Measurable goals telling what needs to be done?a big picture. 2. Objectives (sub-goals). Measurable action steps to reach the goal. 3. Priorities. Determines the most important objectives to reaching the goal. Priorities must be reviewed continually. 4. Schedules. Objectives are put on a timetable. 5. Evaluation. This is a periodic review of the objectives and schedules to see whether the goal is being achieved. 6. Flexibility. Goals should not be changed. Objectives may be changed. Schedules most likely will be changed. In order for one to be innovative, he must be flexible. II. Decision Making A. Procedure 1. Define the Situation. Gather as many facts as possible about the situation. Ask pertinent questions like: How much time do we have to make this decision? What are the key sources of information? How did this situation occur? 2. List Alternatives. Identify and list all possible alternatives and options. There are many ways to solve a problem but one is the best way. Seek counsel, asking others for possible alternatives. 3. Calculate Risk. All decisions have risk. Consider them but do not let them control your decision. Concentrating on the risks may paralyze creative decisions. 4. Implement. Implement the decision by faith, committing it into the Lord?s hands. If it is of God, it will come to pass. B. Guidelines 1. Don?t make decisions under stress or pressure. 2. Don?t make quick decisions?intuition alone is guesswork. 3. Don?t procrastinate?get into the time span and do it. 4. Consult others, especially those who will be affected. 5. Don?t try to anticipate everything?you will never have all the facts, so gather what facts you can and make a decision. 6. Don?t be afraid to make a wrong decision?sometimes you will. 7. Don?t worry about the decision?it is in God?s hands. God on to something else once the decision is made. III. Followers? Commitment to the Leader and the Team A. Commitment to the leader, colleagues and the organization. B. Understanding the situation and trying to see it through the leader?s eyes. C. Protect the leader by being loyal. D. Be competent in your job so as to support the leader. E. Communicate clearly, honestly and forthrightly with the leader so he can rightly understand the needs of a follower. F. Be faithful and do what you say you will do so the leader can trust you. G. Participate in the whole process and support your fellow followers (colleagues). H. For the leader and the team, one may have to give up a spirit of independence and individualism, setting aside personal plans for the good of the team. IV. Followers Understand the Leader?s Personality Type A. Leader is a ?High D?: initiating, forceful, persistent. Follower should: 1. Be loyal, doing the task given to make it and the leader successful. 2. Think big within the leader?s vision, showing him why the plan will work and what it will do for him. 3. Give the leader results because he is goal oriented. 4. Stroke his ego whenever possible. B. Leader is a ?High I?: influence, verbal, motivator. Follower should: 1. Work to make the leader look good. 2. Show appreciation and approval of the leader?s work 3. Listen patiently because the leader often thinks out loud. 4. Give positive suggestions after the leader has vented everything. C. Leader is a ?High S?: implementor, relational, helper. Follower should: 1. Be a friend and show appreciation. 2. Should not threaten through ideas, personality, bullying. 3. Be reassuring and sincere. 4. Do not be too confrontational. D. Leader is a ?High C?: inspector, methodical, likes structure. Follower should: 1. Do quality work directed towards the same objectives as the leader. 2. Explain to the leader how it works. 3. Win confidence by clear thinking. 4. When possible, put ideas on paper for the leader. V. General Thoughts on Change A. A change agent brings change, preferably planned change. ?Philosophers have only interpreted the world different; the point, however, is to change it.? (Karl Marx). B. Alternatives to Change 1. Sit back and wait for circumstances to change?passiveness. 2. Plunge into change without learning from the past or planning for the future?impulsiveness. 3. Plan change with an anticipatory leadership style. C. General Thoughts on Change 1. Every person does somehow influence the future for good or bad, so is a change agent. 2. God is changing people and the world. 3. The Church is changing and it needs to change so as to adapt to its culture. 4. God brings change through His people by the leading and power of the Holy Spirit. 5. Change is inevitable so we all should move with it and not fight it. D. Change in the Church in Africa 1. Need for a more doctrinal foundation taught from the pulpit. 2. Need for more dynamic leadership. 3. Need to have church members more active and using their spiritual gifts. 4. Need to have the ministry more contextualized?less Americanized. 5. Need to have a reputation of being more holy, committed to scripture and Spirit-filled.